How to Effectively Re-Whiten Your Net Curtains

It’s spring cleaning season once again, which means that thousands of households up and down the country will be turning their attention to their net curtains.
There’s nothing quite like the bright and beautiful sunshine of the spring and summer to make it clear just how badly in need of TLC your window dressings are. They may have looked nice and white a few months ago – the same not perhaps being said for right now.
On the plus side, there are various ways and means by which nets and voile curtains can be restored to their former glory, without necessarily having to give up on them. There are a few tried and tested solutions involving the kind of stuff you probably already have lying around the home, so it’s definitely worth giving them a try before ‘going nuclear’ as it were!
1 – Lemon Juice or Vinegar Soak
First of all, you could try adding half a cup of lemon juice or a cup of white vinegar to a large bowl of warm water, after which it’s a case of submerging, swishing and summarily leaving your nets to soak for a few hours, or even overnight. After this, wash them on the most delicate setting your washing machine has (if they are safe for machine washing) and you might find this does the job beautifully.
2 – Sterilising Tablets
One of the most popular and potentially effective approaches of all is that of the following the above mentioned process, but using either two denture cleaning tablets or the kind of tablets used for sterilising babies’ bottles instead. You will usually find that this is just as effective as using diluted bleach, though much easier and less risky.
3 – Diluted Bleach
Of course, diluted bleach is always an option and can also be extremely effective. It’s important to read instructions carefully that come with the bleach chosen as they have a tendency to be very different in terms of strength and how they can/should be used. Diluted bleach can be great for hand washing, or for use in the washing machine on a very gentle setting.
4 – Specialist Products
Last but not least, there are literally hundreds of fantastic products on the market right now that are created for exactly these purposes. It’s simply a case of making sure you invest in a decent quality product (the bargain basement variety should be avoided at all costs) and following the enclosed instructions. Whichever you choose, you will no doubt find it much easier and cheaper than investing in brand new net curtains.
Sometimes you just fancy a change. Here at we have a wide range of net curtains and voile curtains to bring a fresh new look to your room. Click here for more information on our available range.